Service, Repair, Performance & Dyno Tuning

American V-Twin, LLC

12 Millville Oxford Road

Hamilton, OH 45013


Harley Davidson Motorcycles

What I do, and do well:

American V-Twin is full-service brick and mortar shop in the center of Millville, Ohio.  I specialize in engine performance, tuning, scheduled maintenance, repair, and high-end customization of 2000 and newer Harley-Davidson motorcycles.  I provide all the up-front consultation, repair and installation expertise, and service after the sale.  I sell all the first-quality parts for your motorcycle at reasonable retail prices.  This is my promise to my LOYAL customers. 

I’ve invested in all the best technology to service your late-model Harley-Davidson motorcycles.  I have the computers and software that enable me to do everything your HD dealer’s “Digital Technician” can do and more.  This includes ECM, TSSM, BCM, and security key fob programming, ABS bleeding and purging, Audio Flashing when upgrading your speakers or adding an amplifier, and Flash Tuning.  I’ve got thousands of hours on the dyno, tuning with Race Tuners and Super Tuners, TTS, PCV, Power Vision, TechnoResearch Direct Link, and Thundermax (YES, Tmax needs dyno time too!)!   I’ve been through nearly every one of these manufacturer’s Advanced Training Courses in addition to courses offered by industry professionals.  So before you get suckered into all the online marketing bullshit, come talk to me.  I’ll educate you and let you choose how to proceed once you have the information you need.

  • Certified Dynojet Tuning Center and Authorized Power Commander Retailer!
  • Certified TechnoResearch Tuning Center and Dealer
  • Certified ThunderMax Premier Dealer and Tuning and Installation Center
  • 1000’s of hours of experience tuning with Screamin’ Eagle Race Tuner, Super Tuner, ThunderMax, Power Commander, Power Vision, and Direct Link, and TTS!
  • Engine Performance UpgradesBig Bore kits, Stroker Kits!  Custom blueprinted engine builds!  Let me show you why my custom built 120″ Twin Cam makes 151 horsepower!
  • Scheduled Maintenance and repairs that CANNOT jeopardize your manufacturer warranties!

What I don’t do:

I don’t work on junk. I don’t sell or install the cheap junk that’s out there, especially Chinese knockoff, Wish, Amazon, and eBay parts.  I do not sell or install used parts.  I do not repair damaged tires or inner tubes.  I will not install tires purchased elsewhere.

In special circumstances ONLY, will I install customer supplied parts.  In these rare instances, there is no warranty whatsoever.  There will be a parts surcharge added to your invoice. 

FTC Approves Final Orders in Right-to-Repair Cases Against Harley-Davidson

Under the Magnuson-Moss Act, aftermarket equipment which improves performance does not void a vehicle manufacturer’s original warranty.

A dealer must prove that aftermarket equipment caused the need for repairs before they can deny warranty coverage on that basis. What’s more, dealers cannot void your warranty themselves, only the manufacturer can.  Dealers can only make suggestions to the manufacturer.  Dealers cannot refuse to perform warranty services unless and until the manufacturer makes a ruling on it.  To challenge a dealer’s claim about voiding warranties, ask them to put it in writing. If they refuse to give you a written statement, this is a violation of Federal law. The Federal Trade Commission , which administers the Magnuson-Moss Act, monitors compliance with warranty issues. Direct your dealer complaints to the FTC at (202) 326-3128.

Under the Magnuson-Moss Act, aftermarket equipment which improves performance does not void a vehicle manufacturer’s original warranty. A dealer must prove that aftermarket equipment caused the need for repairs before they can deny warranty coverage on that basis. What’s more, dealers cannot void your warranty themselves, only the manufacturer can.  Dealers can only make suggestions to the manufacturer.  Dealers cannot refuse to perform warranty services unless and until the manufacturer makes a ruling on it.  To challenge a dealer’s claim about voiding warranties, ask them to put it in writing. If they refuse to give you a written statement, this is a violation of Federal law. The Federal Trade Commission , which administers the Magnuson-Moss Act, monitors compliance with warranty issues. Direct your dealer complaints to the FTC at (202) 326-3128.