Common Sense and Necessary Bitching

Common Sense and Necessary Bitching

American V-Twin is full-service brick and mortar shop, not an online wholesale website. This is how I make a living and I have overhead expenses every month that I must pay to offer this to you. The dealer can offer you 20% off all day, every day because they have 100% markup in the parts they sell. They’re still making 80% on the part. I don’t have that luxury so don’t ask.

If you want cheap crap, American V-Twin is the wrong shop for you. If you call or walk in and proceed to tell me how cheap you can get it somewhere else, or how the forum guy said it should cost X, or the YouTube video says it takes Y, American V-Twin is the wrong shop for you. Over the last two decades, there have been lots of guys who opened shops that lasted less than a year because they do all the above.

Loyalty means you are not the guy who calls every shop around for the cheapest price. If you’re going to do that, just scratch American V-Twin off your call list. I don’t want you.

As I’ve mentioned, I’m not going to take in junk. If you’ve been buying the cheapest parts and labor, there’s no doubt your bike fits into this category. I’m not going to take ownership of all the problems that a dozen unqualified shops, buddies, or shade-tree mechanics have created on your motorcycle. If you want cheap, American V-Twin is the wrong shop for you.  If you proceed to tell me how cheap you can get it somewhere else, or how the forum guy said it should cost X, or the YouTube video says it takes Y, American V-Twin is the wrong shop for you.  Over the last two decades, there have been lots of guys who opened shops that lasted less than a year because they do all the above.

I don’t sell or install the cheap online junk that’s out there, especially Chinese knockoff, Wish, Temu, Amazon, and eBay parts. I do not sell or install used parts. I do not repair damaged tires or inner tubes. I will not mount, balance, or install tires purchased elsewhere.

In special circumstances ONLY, will I install customer supplied parts. In these rare instances, there is no warranty whatsoever.

Good, Cheap, and Quick

Good is the only side of this triangle that should never be sacrificed because a quality result is always expected when something is worth doing at all.

FTC Approves Final Orders in Right-to-Repair Cases Against Harley-Davidson… October 27, 2022

Under the Magnuson-Moss Act, aftermarket equipment which improves performance does not void a vehicle manufacturer’s original warranty.A dealer must prove that aftermarket equipment caused the need for repairs before they can deny warranty coverage on that basis. What’s more, dealers cannot void your warranty themselves, only the manufacturer can.  Dealers can only make suggestions to the manufacturer.  Dealers cannot refuse to perform warranty services unless and until the manufacturer makes a ruling on it.  To challenge a dealer’s claim about voiding warranties, ask them to put it in writing. If they refuse to give you a written statement, this is a violation of Federal law. The Federal Trade Commission , which administers the Magnuson-Moss Act, monitors compliance with warranty issues. Direct your dealer complaints to the FTC at (202) 326-3128.