Consultative Service, Repair and Performance for your Harley-Davidson Motorcycle
513.515.9249 ***
12 Millville Oxford Road, Hamilton, OH 45013
From the time I bought my first motorcycle at age 18, I took it to the “stealer” or local bike shops for service work to have the more complicated upgrades and accessories installed. It didn’t take me long to learn that there are lots of guys out there claiming to be motorcycle mechanics or technicians, who shall we say, didn’t exactly care for my bike the way I would have. Countless nicks, scratches, dings, stripped bolts, a missed trip to Sturgis in 2004 (Thanks Jerry N!) and even a ruined gas tank (Thanks John!) were the rewards for my misplaced trust. I knew there had to be other people out there who had experienced some of the same. So I figured that as long as I cared for my customers’ bikes the same way I did my own, priced my repairs, parts and services fairly, and got their bikes back to them as quickly as possible, how could I possibly go wrong??? As a result American V-Twin, LLC was born.